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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

to thinkpaders,about tp-fancontrol

from a certain version of thinkpad_acpi,fan_control is disabled by default,as Documentation/thinkpad-acpi.txt said:

NOTE NOTE NOTE: fan control operations are disabled by default for
safety reasons. To enable them, the module parameter "fan_control=1"
must be given to thinkpad-acpi.

so the tp-fancontrol daemon won't work any more if the thinkpad_acpi module isn't told that it should enable the fan_control.

let's do that:

#vim /etc/modules.d/thinkpad_acpi

then add the following line:
options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1



now tp-fancontrol should work again.

1 comment:

yushih said...

这位同学,我在星际漫游的时候发现了你的第二基地,你的blog真是hard-core啊,又是kernel hack又是fp。我是业余的wannabee, 理想是成为一个hummble programmer,可不可以和牛人认识一下,交个朋友,了解一下高端人士的想法。我的blog在,不过暂时还没写出能入您法眼的好东西。我用gtalk的,您用吗?有空聊聊怎么样?祝好运。