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Friday, July 25, 2008

ULK note (1):Segment in linux

According to ULK,linux uses segmentation in a very limit way,namely,linux uses 4 segments,two for user mode and two for kernel mode.Linux also defines macros as segment selectors of these 4 segments:__USER_CS,__USER_DS,__KERNEL_CS,__KERNEL_DS.

I lookup the definition in include/asm-i386/segment.h(crash here for details),let's take a look at __USER_CS and __KERNEL_CS:



well,14(GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_CS) is the user data segment descriptor's offset in GDT.

8 is the length of segment descriptor,easy to understand,huh(it's my first thought)?But what is the "+ 3"?

In fact,8 is (1000) in binary,so multiplying 8 left shift GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_CS by 3 bits.aha!It's the TI and RPL fields in segment selector!so what the red "+ 3" turns out:it means this segment is in GDT(TI cleared) and it's in user mode(RPL=11).

Similar to __USER_CS,RPL of __KERNEL_CS is set to 00 to indicate that the segment is in kernel mode,so nothing needs to be added.

Friday, July 04, 2008

a note about sbcl and slime

recently I switch to stumpwm,getting it work with sbcl,I enjoyed hacking.
but then I found that when slime read or print Chinese characters,the connection to sbcl will be broken.
Actually,I did set slime-net-coding-system to utf-8-unix,which dosen't help at all.
At last the problem turned out to be due to the coding system of swank side.
as we know,slime connects to a server that was provided by a package named swank.
if I type M-x slime in emacs,everything works well cause emacs runs an sbcl process and set coding system at both side for me,but when sbcl started seperatly by xdm from slime,I forgot to set coding system of swank.
so after I start swank like this:

(swank:create-server :dont-close t :coding-system "uft-8-unix")

I can input Chinese and get correct output at REPL.